Wyll yuh mayke mii uh layout?

Not if yuh tawk lyk dis. But if yuh tawk rite, we wld b glad 2 :D

Can you enter my contest?

Sorry, but no. We are VERY busy as it is making layouts, and we don't have time to make a layout that might not even be used.

Can I make you fanart?

Yes please :) As you can tell by our fanart section, we don't have much. We'd love for some more! If you would like to make some for us, just comment on our profile.

Can you make me a layout like everlongs (or any other layout maker on witty)?

No. We make layouts our way. Unfortunatly, the way everlong (and some other layout makers) make their layouts is very different from us. Please do not ask us to make them like someone elses just because they closed their requests.

I want a specific BellaVista member to make my layout. Is that possible?

Yes. If you ask (poiltely please? it really helps) we will do your layouts personally. But please don't say something like "The person who made that other layout". Please specifiy our names. If you don't know who made each layout, just ask :)

I'm using a pre-made layout and I don't want anyone else to have it. Can you take the code off your site?

No. We explained this before (see pre-made layouts tab). These layouts are not yours. We made them for you to use, not own. These layouts will always be up whether you want them to be or not (unless the person that personally requested them be made asks us to take it down)

I love the layout you showed me on TinyPic. Can I have the code now?

No. If you read the rules, you would understand that after designing each layout, we must code it. This process takes at least an hour to do. But since we are usually busy, it takes a day or two to make your layouts after we showed you the picture. Please be patient!!!

Why are you doing other people's layouts before mine? I asked first.

We are not picking favorites, we promise. If we finish someone else's before yours, odds are it is because of something they wrote in their profile. We really appreciate it when someone reads ALL the rules/guidelines/things to remember before requesting. And we know when people read them all. So we get to those people first. If you want your layout done before the others, try reading our profile :)

Theres a text box missing in my layout. What's wrong?

Odds are, you didn't copy the whole code. We make sure we put the exact ammount of text boxes you need. If one is missing, you either deleted it or didn't copy the whole code.
If you deleted it, don't worry. We keep all the codes in the "Finished Layouts" section of our profile.

Can you make me a layout?

Ya. Sure. BUT PLEASE USE THE REQUEST FORMS! SO many people ask us this question. We cannot make a layout that we are sure you will like by that one sentence. You have to specifiy and use the request forms. It helps us finish requests faster, because we know what you want.

Can you make me a layout like you made for the other user?

If you see a layout we made on someone else's profile that you like, come look at our pre-made layout section. Chances are, if it's not up there, that user doesn't want any one else to have it. But if you want a similar one, we would love to make you one.

How do I type in the layout?

If we had a dollar for everytime this question was asked, we could afford our own domain.
**We have answered this question a million times!**
PLEASE check the directions tab (or "How To" box on our profile) for the answer. We are not explaining it again.

How do you make a layout?

We are not giving this information out. If we tried to explain it to you, you wouldn't understand. It is very complicated. But if you have a simple question, feel free to ask it (if you don't know anything about codes, scroll boxes, or backgrounds though, please don't ask)

Can you make me a layout? Make it pretty... Surprise me on the picture :)

Nope! We won't. Make it pretty? Chances are, we might think something's pretty that you don't.We won't surprise you on the picture, either. Unless, you give a theme. Then we will pick. But no, we won't randomly pick a picture. Because if we surprise you, and you don't like it, we might not remake it... depending on the amount of changes we are asked to make.

Can I have a layout with Justin Bieber?

This question goes not only for Justin Bieber, but for any celebrity or anything popular. We will only do so if you give us a specifiic picture. There are MANY Converse, Justin Bieber, Christopher Drew Ingle, etc. pictures. We won't pick for you. We may think one is cute, and you might think its bad. So, give us a specific picture, and we'd be glad to :)

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