
A lot of people seem to be having trouble with our layouts. So we are using this section to help you understand them. If you have a question that is not up here, please ask it on our witty profile and we will answer it here (and in the "How To" section of our profile.

How To:

Put the Layout in your Profile

1.clear out your ENTIRE profile. the source button.
3.paste the code we gave you.
4. click the source button again.
Now you should be able to see your layout :) If not, please come talk to us.

Type in your Layout

A lot of people seem to have trouble with this. Ill try to explain it as best I can :)
1. Make sure your layout is in your profile (see the How To above)
2. Mouse over the text in the scroll box.
3. When you do this, the mouse cursor changes from an arrow to a symbol that looks like and uppercase i.
4. Click once.
5. Now there should be four white squares surrounding your scroll box (one on each corner).
6. Click again.
7. Now there should be a thick border around the scroll box that looks like black and white slanted lines. (if not, click again)
8. Now you should be able to write in your scroll box.
PLEASE NOTE: it is suggested that you keep the text we have written in your scroll box until AFTER you have written your own information.
If you still cannot write in your scroll boxes, please tell us and we will try to fix it/explain it better.

Put Fanart in your Layout

Since you cannot copy and paste, there are specific steps you need to take to put your fanart in the scroll boxes. When we do this, we follow these steps (they may sound ridiculous but they work)
1. Type a series of Xs in the "Fanart" scroll box (ie: XXXXXXXXXX)
2. Click the source button
3. Scroll down until you find the Xs you typed
4. Highlight them and type the code for your fanart in it's place.
5. Click the source button again.
6. Adjust the fanart until it's the size you want.
If you don't understand that or have a different way of doing it, please tell us :)

How to Get a URL from our TinyPic album

We have an album on that has over fifty pictures that you can use for your layout. All you need to do is get the URL from the desired picture and put it in your request. Here is how you get the URL:
1. Go to
2. Find the picture you would like for your layout.
3. On the left side of the page, there is a set of four codes in yellow boxes. Copy the last one.
4. Go to our page and use the request forms to make a request.
5. Under the "Picture"  section of your request, paste the code. 
Hope that helps! If it doesn't, just tell us and we will clarify. 
Those are all the questions we have been asked so far. But if you have any more, please feel free to ask. Thanks!
-Lola and Ally ;)

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